Pins and Magnets
Need a quick pin holder? Grab one of your fridge magnets, set it down magnet-side up within reach, and voila! Any and all pins are available without needing to dig or pinch or roll.
Buttons! Who doesn’t fiddle around picking out the right ones, or digging through boxes to find ones that match one another?
A quick tip for making button finding and matching easier is to slip matching buttons onto a safety pin. The buttons are sure to remain together and easy to locate.
Free Embroidery Designs
The Brother website offers eight categories of free downloadable embroidery designs, from “Trees and Flowers” to “Holiday Greetings” to “Special Designs.”Check them out and get inspired!
Some examples:
A Quick Basting Tip
When machine or hand basting, use a thread color that contrasts with the fabric. This will be much easier to see and pull out afterwards!